Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Chaos of Glitter and Sparkles 100+ Readers Giveaway

Hello everyone!

Anna of Chaos of Glitter and Sparkles is currently hosting a giveaway in celebration of reaching 100+ followers. I just recently discovered her blog the other day while searching for himegyaru things and I just thought that her blog was so cute. ^^ So check out her blog while you are entering the giveaway.

Anyway, here are the stuff that she's giving away:

Aren't they cute? I think that out of all these items here, I love the mirror the most xD. Me and mirrors... Though the Ma*rs coin purse isn't bad either. 

More information can be found on her blog and I wish the best of luck to those that are entering!


  1. Aww, thank you for joining my giveaway and your kind words. I feel incredibly honored *blushes*
    I wish you good luck ;)


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