Hello everyone!
I had been given the Liebster Blog Award by the Glass Princess a few days ago! One thing I did not mention however was that she had actually given the blog award to me twice, but since I figured that I haven't done the actual award post yet, it would be treated as one time. Isn't that a convenience?
Anyway, I had been following the Glass Princess for a while now and I think that she is an excellent Lolita! With impeccable coordinates and a wonderful personality, how can she not be awesome? Plus, you can't get anymore awesome than modeling on an occasional basis! Please feel free to check her out here: http://the-glass-princess.blogspot.ca/
I had been given the Liebster Blog Award by the Glass Princess a few days ago! One thing I did not mention however was that she had actually given the blog award to me twice, but since I figured that I haven't done the actual award post yet, it would be treated as one time. Isn't that a convenience?
Anyway, I had been following the Glass Princess for a while now and I think that she is an excellent Lolita! With impeccable coordinates and a wonderful personality, how can she not be awesome? Plus, you can't get anymore awesome than modeling on an occasional basis! Please feel free to check her out here: http://the-glass-princess.blogspot.ca/
With that being said and done, let's get onto the award. Here are the rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember, no tags back!
First off, for the 11 things about myself:
1. I have an admiration and fascination with waterfalls. They are breathtaking and beautiful creations of nature.
2. My favourite food is pho and noodles.
3. I have a little sister.
4. Most of the time, I can come up with a multitude amount of ideas in one day and maybe only one of them comes to fruition.
5. I have a bad habit of buying things that I don't need as of the moment.
6. I procrastinate a lot.
7. I usually have an intense decision making process going on in my head and therefore it takes me a long while to shop, even online.
8. When I buy something, I don't usually get back to it until at least 3 days later unless it is something I really love and can't wait for.
9. I like keeping things as new as possible.
10. My zodiac sign is Gemini.
11. I love Hello Kitty and friends. (No surprise there huh?)
Now here are the questions that the Glass Princess asked me and my answers to them:
1. Do you have any pets?
2. Whats your favourite beauty product?
Don't really have a favourite, but I guess I'm particularly more inclined to eyeshadow and eyeliner.
3. Whats your favourite song?
As of right now, Day By Day by T-ara.
4. Whats your next purchase?
An alarm clock for sure! I want a new one and I need to prepare for the upcoming school year!
5. Whats your favourite band?
Don't really have a favourite. I just listen to what I'm in the mood for.
6. Have you ever been to any music festivals?
7. Whats your favourite picture of you?
One of the pictures in my past outfit shots. I really love this one: http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb350/alexandrite_silver/Outfits/IMG_0486.jpg.
8. Do you like where you live?
9. Whats your dream item?
A Jesus Diamante dress.
10. Who is your favourite celebrity?
Don't really have a favourite. (Wow do I live under a rock)
11. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Japan! I'll die happy if I'm able to visit a Jesus Diamante boutique at least once. Of course, visiting other places like Shibuya 109 is not so bad either.
Now I present the award to 11 lovely people:
1. Hime Gyaru Geisha
2. Closet Voyage
3. Cupcake Doll
4. Magic Pearl Heart
5. Nuella Source
6. Princessly Living
7. Star Princess
8. The Princess in Training
9. Jennifer's Blog
10. Like Candy Floss
11. Lita's Blog
Here are the 11 questions to the lovely people that I had picked:
1. What is your favourite colour?
2. What is your favourite food?
3. What is the fashion style that you are currently into?
4. Are you content with your life right now?
5. Have you visit an anime convention before?
6. What do you do on a daily basis?
7. What would be your dream pet?
8. Short or long hair?
9. If you were given 1 million dollars, what will you do with it?
10. Have you made any major purchases lately?
11. If you were to dress in a drastically different style than the one that you are currently in, what would it be?
With that done, I would like to personally thank the Glass Princess for presenting me the award and I would like to congratulate the winnners!